Biolinguistics Initiative Barcelona

Biolinguistics Initiative Barcelona: September 2013

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

BIB Journal Club

On Monday, October 7, at 16:00, BIB will have a journal club session. We will discuss a review by Maggie Tallerman of Fitch´s ´The evolution of language´.

See you all in the Sala de Professors, 5th floor, Edifici Josep Carner, UB.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Publication news

Work by members of our group has just been published in the Journal of Anthropological Sciences (Boeckx on "Biolinguistics: Forays into human cognitive biology") and PLOS ONE (Boeckx & Leivada on "Entangled Parametric Hierachies: Problems for an overspecified Universal Grammar").

Happy reading and feel free to get in touch with us if you're interested in receiving regular updates for our activities!

MA thesis defenses

On Tuesday,  September 10, 2 students will defend their MA theses:

- [11.00-12.00] Gonzalo Castillo: Evolutionary Continuous Concepts. 
Aula Gabriel Oliver, -1 floor, Josep Carner building, UB.

- [15.30-16.30] Pedro Tiago Martins: Towards an Extended Synthesis for Language
Sala de Professors, 5th floor, Josep Carner building, UB.

Defenses are public. Everyone is welcome to attend!