Language, Asymmetry, Psychosis Workshop (March 19)

Mark your calendar: we are pleased to announce the workshop "Language, Asymmetry, Psychosis", which will take place on March 19, from 3 to 6pm, at the University of Barcelona.

There will be talks by Xiang Li, Tim Crow, Cedric Boeckx, Wolfram Hinzen, Neil Robers.

The exact location will the Sala Gabriel Oliver, on the basement of the Josep Carner building, at the intersection of Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes and Aribau.

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Biolinguistics Initiative Barcelona: Language, Asymmetry, Psychosis Workshop (March 19)

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Language, Asymmetry, Psychosis Workshop (March 19)

Mark your calendar: we are pleased to announce the workshop "Language, Asymmetry, Psychosis", which will take place on March 19, from 3 to 6pm, at the University of Barcelona.

There will be talks by Xiang Li, Tim Crow, Cedric Boeckx, Wolfram Hinzen, Neil Robers.

The exact location will the Sala Gabriel Oliver, on the basement of the Josep Carner building, at the intersection of Gran Via de les Corts Catalanes and Aribau.

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